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Rav Mo has been teaching Jewish thought since 2011.  He has been featured as the keynote speaker at community Shabbatons, synagogues, and international conferences. His expertise covers a wide range of topics, including: 

  • Jewish well-being and happiness 

  • The "mussar" approach to personal growth and self-development 

  • Introductions to mysticism, kabbalah, and Jewish meditation

  • Understanding the Jewish prayer book, and how to connect experientially to prayer 

  • Decoding Talmudic "aggadah" riddles 

  • Deep analysis of Rashi's commentary on the Torah

  • Introductions to Talmudic legal and ethical analysis

  • Ancient Jewish civic and political structures

  • Introductions to Jewish belief, evidence for the existence of God, the veracity of the Torah, and the authority of the Oral Torah

To book Rav Mo for a speaking engagement, you can click here:

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